Deux ans après la mort d'Henri VIII et alors que l'Angleterre glisse lentement mais sûrement dans le chaos, Matthew Shardlake se voit confier une délicate mission par lady Élisabeth, la fille du défunt roi. John Boleyn, l'un de ses plus proches amis, est accusé du meurtre de sa femme, la mystérieuse Edith. Or, non seulement lady Élisabeth est convaincue de l'innocence de son ami, mais l'inculpation de Boleyn pourrait bien venir compromettre sa propre sécurité et sa possible accession au trône.
Shardlake accepte donc de se rendre à Norwich, sur les lieux du crime, afin d'éclaircir les sombres circonstances de la mort d'Edith. Mais à peine a-t-il commencé son enquête qu'une violente révolte paysanne éclate dans la région. Shardlake découvre alors que le meurtre d'Edith pourrait avoir un lien avec tous ces troubles politiques...
Soon to be a major Disney+ TV series
''CJ Sansom''s books are arguably the best Tudor novels going'' - Sunday Times
Lamentation is the sixth breathtaking historical novel in C. J. Sansom''s number one bestselling Shardlake series, perfect for fans of Hilary Mantel and Philippa Gregory.
England, 1546. King Henry VIII is dying. Meanwhile, his Protestant and Catholic councillors are engaged in a final and decisive power struggle to control the government of Henry''s successor, eight-year-old Prince Edward. As heretics are hunted across London, the Catholic party focus their attack on Henry''s sixth wife, Matthew Shardlake''s old mentor, Queen Catherine Parr, and Shardlake is unexpectedly summoned to Whitehall Palace.
For the Queen has a secret. She has written a confessional book, Lamentation of a Sinner, so radically Protestant that if it came to the King''s attention it could bring both her and her sympathizers crashing down.
When the book inexplicably vanishes, and a single page is found clutched in the hand of a murdered printer, Shardlake must help the desperate Queen. His loyalty will drive him into a swirl of intrigue inside the palace, where Catholic enemies and Protestant friends can be equally dangerous, and the political opportunists, who will follow the wind wherever it blows, more dangerous than either . . .
Lamentation is the sixth novel in C. J. Sansom''s gripping historical series. Continue the series with book seven, Tombland. -
Following the uncovering of a plot against his throne in Yorkshire, King Henry VIII has set out on a spectacular Progress to the North to overawe his rebellious subjects there. As the Great Progress arrives in the city, Shardlake, a lawyer and his assistant Barak stumble upon a cache of secret papers that holds danger for the King's throne.